What's Trending Easing the Journey: Payment Plans in Orthodontics A payment plan for orthodontic treatment may consist of a down payment with the remainder paid monthly for 12 to 24 months—often interest-free.
What's Trending Kickstarting a Lifetime of Beautiful Smiles: The Benefits of Early Treatment The goal of early orthodontic treatment is to intercept developing problems, eliminate the cause, guide the growth of facial and jaw bones, and provide adequate space for permanent teeth.
What's Trending Retainer Care 101: Ensuring Long-Term Orthodontic Success Nothing can prevent 100% of tooth movement, but when retainers are worn as prescribed, they are the best tool available to minimize movement.
What's Trending Unveiling Truths: Busting Common Orthodontic Myths Myths be gone! The American Association of Orthodontists sets the record straight on seven common myths about orthodontic treatment.