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Will the exam cause me any discomfort?

No – you should experience no discomfort during the exam.

Are x-rays really necessary?

Yes. For the orthodontist to be able to fully and accurately diagnose your orthodontic problem, x-rays are necessary. An accurate diagnosis is your orthodontist’s key to planning every step of your treatment so that you finish treatment with a healthy bite. Today’s x-ray machines emit significantly less radiation, as compared to x-ray machines of a generation ago.

Will the orthodontist take x-rays?

It is likely a panoramic x-ray will be taken. Another type of x-ray, a cephalometric x-ray, may be taken. It is a side-view of the head.

What will I learn at a consultation?

There are usually seven main take-aways from an adult’s consultation:

  • What the orthodontic problem is
  • Options to correct the problem
  • Customized Treatment goals
  • Whether teeth will need to be removed
  • Whether you will need other services to reach optimal dental health
  • An estimate on the length of orthodontic treatment
  • The estimated cost of your care
  • How much does a consultation cost?
  • Many AAO orthodontists offer initial consultations at little or no cost.

Should I prepare questions to ask the orthodontist?

Yes. Prepared questions will ensure you don’t forget to ask something. 

What typically happens at an initial consultation?

At a consultation appointment, you’ll explain your concerns about your teeth and your smile to the orthodontist. The orthodontist will examine your teeth and other oral tissues. A staff member may take notes about what the orthodontist finds. A panoramic x-ray may be taken so that the orthodontist can see what is under your gums. Photographs are usually taken, as well.  You and your orthodontist may discuss recommended treatment,  fees for treatment and payment plans.

Some of my children’s friends have already started treatment, but our orthodontist says my child should wait. Why is there a difference in treatment?

Each treatment plan is specific for that child and his/her specific problem as well as his/her growth and development. Children mature at different stages and interceptive treatment is indicated to prevent a more severe problem from occurring. Your orthodontist is the best person to decide the best type of treatment and its timing. If you have questions, you should discuss them with your orthodontist.

My child has an allergy to nickel. Can my child still have orthodontic treatment?

Yes, there are nickel-free options available. Please tell your orthodontist if your child has any allergies.

Is free treatment available for kids whose families can’t afford it?

There are several programs that offer orthodontic treatment to patients in need at little or no cost. The American Association of Orthodontists Donated Orthodontic Services Program (DOS) is offered to patients in need throughout the U.S. Applicants must meet financial need requirements. 

Smiles Change Lives and Smile for a Lifetime Foundation provide orthodontic treatment in many regions of the U.S. Other regional programs include: Advantage Smiles for Kids for children in Washington, Oregon and Idaho. Colorado Orthodontic Foundation for children in Colorado. Assisting Children to Smile and Sunshyne Smiles Orthodontic Program for children in South Dakota. 

Also check with your state or local dental society about programs in your area. In Canada: Smiles 4 Canada – British Columbia, the Prairies, Ontario, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Newfoundland, and Labrador.

My child’s teeth aren’t too crooked on top – can he/she just get braces on the bottom?

Orthodontic treatment is designed to develop teeth that fit well and, as a result, wear better over an individual’s life. Think of teeth in the mouth as a “gear” system. Teeth, like gears, must intermesh well to help avoid excessive wear throughout a lifetime of use. An ideal orthodontic result most often requires treatment of both the top and bottom teeth. Consult a member of the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) to learn what will best correct your child’s orthodontic problem. The AAO Find an Orthodontist service will help you locate AAO orthodontists near you.