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Am I too old for orthodontic treatment?

You are never too old for orthodontic treatment. Your orthodontist considers many variables when developing your customized treatment plan, but age is rarely a deciding factor.

Can your teeth shift as an adult?

Yes. Adult teeth do and can shift over time, whether or not you had braces when you were a teenager.

Is orthognathic surgery performed only on adults?

For correction of misaligned jaws and teeth that are the result of a growth problem, surgical orthodontics is performed on patients who have finished growing.

Does insurance typically cover surgical orthodontics?

Insurance may or may not cover surgical orthodontics. Check with your insurer regarding your policy’s coverage.

Why is surgical orthodontics necessary?

Unlike children, adults are no longer growing, so the only way to modify the size or shape of an adult’s jaw bones is through surgery.

How often do I need to clean my mouthguard?

We recommend rinsing your mouth guard after use and storing it in a clean container. You should never toss your mouth guard loose in your gym bag with your dirty clothes and shoes. You should also make sure to deep clean it at least once a month.

Will a mouthguard be uncomfortable?

The comfort level largely depends on the type of mouthguard. With a variety of styles and types to choose from, consulting with your orthodontist is recommended to identify the best option for you.

Can I wear a mouthguard with braces?

Absolutely! Wearing a mouthguard with braces is not only possible but strongly recommended to aid in protection from dental trauma.

What should I do if I lose my elastics?

If your elastics go missing, make a beeline for your orthodontist’s office. Don’t procrastinate until your next scheduled appointment. Consistently wearing your elastics is key to moving teeth efficiently and keeping your treatment timeline on course. 

A brief break without elastics may delay your progress. Your orthodontist can always provide a fresh batch of elastics to keep you on the right track toward achieving that picture-perfect smile.

Can I double up on elastics to get results faster?

Doubling up on orthodontic elastics is a no-go. We promise this will not accelerate your tooth alignment. Instead, it may cause extreme discomfort and harm your teeth and jaws. 

Each stage of your treatment has been precisely planned and designed to move your teeth in a controlled, safe manner. Overloading with elastics could derail this carefully charted journey. Always follow your orthodontist’s instructions for the best and quickest results.